Mixed Media, Encaustic and Acrylic: A Figurative Painting From Start to Finish

Following the good example of some fellow artist/bloggers, it is time to share a little bit about my working process. 

The piece featured in this post is part of a new body of work called “Impressions”. This series began in early spring and is inspired by what I see during walks here and there in Gibsons.  From mini eco-systems, alive with tiny blooms fighting their way through weedy overgrowth, to hauntingly beautiful forested trails.

The work is based upon the impressions that remain with me days, weeks and months after these outings.

The canvas I am working on today belongs to the part of the collection I am calling “Carole” as each piece is an impression retained from an evening walk with …Carole.

Read more about: Mixed Media, Encaustic and Acrylic: A Figurative Painting From Start to Finish

Amazing Crayon Art

I needed some fresh inspiration.

So, while the blank canvas sitting on my art table threw me scornful glances.  I sat down to do a little motivational surfing. Checking out the websites of other encaustic artists usually does the trick. However today I was searching for something a little more related to the wax medium I work in. Using the keyword crayon as my guide, It was not long before I was ensnared in a clicking frenzy.

It would seem that I am not the only artist having fun with crayons.

Here is a nod to the wonderful artists whose sites and blogs I visited today. Do not be shy about clicking the links and giving them a visit.

Read more about: Amazing Crayon Art

Writing your Artist’s Bio

For many artists writing their Artist’s Bio can seem a tedious and daunting task

Writing about your self surely is a little uncomfortable and intimidating. Yet, your Artist’s Bio is mandatory for a professional art career. If a career in art is what you are after you will certainly need a bio for press releases, webpage’s, exhibitions and your portfolio. Therefore, unless you can hire a professional writer to do it for you it is time to tackle it yourself. The good news is there are some excellent internet resources to help you get started. Like this one, which will outline for you a few options in the approaches you can take writing it.

Your Artist’s Statement

If your are anything like me you love the creative side of your art but dread the business needs. 

Even though I love to write, I am not so fond of writing about myself,  so writing an artist statement is something I really procrastinate on.  This article is meant to make the process easy and also emphasize the importance of looking after the business side of your art.

Consider your artist’s statement a front line marketing tool. It has the power to influence buyers to invest in your art…or turn around and walk the other way.

Read More About: Your Artist’s Statement